This article originally appeared on Huffington Post by Alana Horowitz Satlin on August 12th, 2016.
Donald Trump once again threw legality into the wind, suggesting that Americans could be tried at Guantánamo Bay if he’s president. As the Miami Herald points out,that’s against current U.S. law.
Trump told the Herald on Thursday that it “would be fine” for military tribunals at the infamous detention center to prosecute U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism.
“I know that they want to try them in our regular court systems, and I don’t like that at all,” the GOP presidential nominee said.
You can see his full remarks in the video above.
Trump’s lack of concern for U.S. laws is well documented. He has suggested he might pull the U.S. from NAFTA and said that’d he “open libel laws” to make it easier to sue journalists. The GOP nominee also may have broken multiple federal election laws.
He’s equally unconcerned about international humanitarian laws. Most notable arehis repeated promises to bring back waterboarding, an act that is widely considered torture. And, during a GOP debate earlier this year, he even vowed to use torture “a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.”
Trump’s also pledged to “take out” the families of suspects ― regardless of their involvement in or knowledge of terror attack plans.
President Barack Obama has acknowledged that the CIA “tortured some folks” in the years after the 9/11 attacks. But he’s said the so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” the U.S. used in attempts to get information from terrorist suspects “was a mistake” that “crossed the line.”
Editor’s note: Donald Trump re