Pulled over for a DUI?

Attorney Stephen Sebald

Attorney Eric Hackwelder
No Refusal DWI Defense Lawyers in Erie, PA

The “No Refusal” DWI program in Erie, PA has drawn sharp criticism for forcing blood draws on citizens who refuse to submit to a breath, blood or urine test. Taking a person’s blood by force based on an allegation that they committed a misdemeanor often leads to a challenge for violations of local procedures, state laws, and unreasonable seizures under the Fourth Amendment. These cases should be challenged by experienced DWI defense lawyers.
Under the “no refusal” policy, a person who refused to submit to chemical testing could be brought before a judge and, if appropriate, a warrant would be signed to require a blood draw. The stated goal of the policy is to discourage refusals and increase conviction rates for DWI. At Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox, our experienced criminal defense lawyers fight these cases aggressively.
Call Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox today to talk with our DWI defense lawyers about the facts of your case.
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