Arrested? In Trouble?

Attorney Stephen Sebald

Attorney Eric Hackwelder
Child Abuse Defense Attorneys in Erie, PA

Parents, caretakers, family members or guardians of children are often shocked or surprised they are accused of child neglect or abuse in Erie, PA. Due to reporting requirements in Pennsylvania, law enforcement officers will typically investigate any reports of discipline or physical abuse, including hitting, spanking, kicking, beating, slapping, broken bones or any bruises or marks on the child.
Although marks and bruises alone are not sufficient evidence for a child abuse conviction, allegations of child abuse or child neglect can result in serious repercussions if the alleged offender is convicted, including jail time, fines, reputation damage or humiliation, loss of parental rights and/or a criminal record.
A criminal conviction does not have to result from charges or accusations of child abuse or neglect. The state prosecutor is required to prove you committed every element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a very high burden of proof and can often be difficult to meet. If the judge or jury has any doubt you committed every element of the offense, the charges against you may be reduced or even dismissed. It is imperative to contact an experienced child abuse defense lawyer in Erie, PA who will help you identify the best legal strategy for your particular situation.
Contact Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox for a consultation with a child abuse defense lawyer about your allegations of child abuse. The child abuse defense attorneys of Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox are aggressive Pennsylvania criminal defense lawyers who are highly qualified and who will make every effort to fight the allegations against you.
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