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Charged With DUI In Erie, PA?

Erie DUI Lawyers

The moment you get pulled over for impaired driving, get in touch with the most knowledgeable and trusted DUI lawyers in Erie, PA. Sebald, Hackwelder & Knox instead of taking unnecessary risks in your DUI case. The worst thing you can do if you are charged for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is to represent yourself or automatically plead guilty. To learn more about how an Erie DUI lawyer can help you, call us today at (814) 833-1987 today to schedule a free DUI case consultation.

Erie DUI Defense

Top DUI Attorneys In Erie

Drunk driving accusations require serious attention from the moment you are pulled over.  If you are facing criminal charges for driving while impaired, our experienced DUI defense lawyers will explore all opportunities for avoiding conviction or reducing the consequences. Whether you are dealing with an underage DUI or your first DUI offense, it’s important to contact experienced DUI defense lawyers right away to ensure that your rights are protected. Contact us here for a legal consultation.

PA DUI and DWI Charge FAQs

In Pennsylvania, the BAC limit for people who are driving, operating, or in actual physical control of a personal vehicle over the age of 21 is 0.08 percent. However, for people under the age of 21 in personal vehicles, a BAC of 0.02 percent or higher within two hours of driving will result in a DUI charge.

For people with a commercial driver’s license who are driving, operating, or in actual physical control of a commercial vehicle, the BAC limit is 0.04 percent.

You will need to apply for a reinstatement of your license with the Department of Transportation, once the period of suspension or revocation is over. Reinstating a license after a suspension of a year, or revocation will also mean taking the driving tests all over again. These will include the vision test, knowledge test and the road test. If you do not complete the reinstatement requirements, the license will remain suspended or revoked.

According to the PennDOT, it will automatically expunge Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition (ARD) records after 10 years “providing a person’s operating privileges were not revoked as a habitual offender and/or the person was not a commercial driver at the time of the violation.” ARD is a program for first DUI convictions in which the punishment is lessened slightly in exchange for an increase in supervision.

Typically for a first DUI offense with a BAC limit of .08-.099 percent and no prior DUI offenses, it’s an upgraded misdemeanor with up to 6 months of probation, a $300 fine, an alcohol safety class, and possible treatment when ordered. 

Ignition interlock is a device that is installed in vehicles to stop people from driving under the influence of alcohol. They are required to blow into the interlock device before starting the vehicle. If it detects alcohol, then it won’t let the vehicle start.

DUI Penalties in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, driving after a single drink can result in getting pulled over and receiving a DUI charge. Most people charged with a DUI don’t have any experience with the criminal justice system but know that Pennsylvania has tough DUI laws. Their are variety of DUI penalty tiers in Pennsylvania depending on the driver’s BAC, your past record, and other factors. In addition to potential jail time, they may include a driver’s license suspension period, probation, fines, drug and alcohol highway safety school or other substance abuse treatment programs, and community service. 

Contact Our Experienced DUI Law Firm

We want to help you prove your innocence, or at least minimize the consequences of a being charged with a DUI in Erie, PA. The DUI lawyers at Sebald, Hackewelder & Knox will work with you and provide a free initial consultation. Contact Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox for a free DUI lawyer consultation in Erie, PA today!

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