Pulled Over For A DUI?

Attorney Stephen Sebald

Attorney Eric Hackwelder
Intoxication Manslaughter Defense Attorneys Erie, PA

The criminal offense of DWI comes with severe penalties even when no accident occurs. But when a crash results in the death of another person, the more serious felony offense of vehicular manslaughter can be charged. If you are charged with vehicular manslaughter, you need an aggressive and experienced criminal defense attorney.
At Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox, our criminal defense attorneys have the experience to fight these serious charges. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys file and litigate all viable motions to suppress evidence and motions to dismiss the criminal charges.
In many of these cases, we are fighting to exclude the results of a blood, breath, or urine test. Our defense attorneys use the top experts and accident reconstructionists to examine the evidence and offer testimony at pre-trial hearings or trial.
If you are suspected of vehicular manslaughter in Erie, Pennsylvania or Erie County, then call our experienced criminal defense attorneys to discuss the case.
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