Arrested? In Trouble?

Attorney Stephen Sebald

Attorney Eric Hackwelder
Health Care Fraud Attorneys in Erie, PA

As the United States tries to control increases in health care costs, providers and medical billing services have come under ever closer scrutiny, resulting in a surge in criminal charges.
Hospitals, clinics, assisted living facilities, doctors, and other medical care providers can be accused of health care fraud when it is alleged that they billed an insurance company for unnecessary procedures or services never performed, or when they overbill for services performed.
Individuals can also be charged with health care fraud in State or Federal Court. If you or your company is facing a criminal investigation for health insurance fraud, Medicare fraud or Medicaid fraud, then contact Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox to discuss your case with an experienced defense attorney in Erie, PA. Our lawyers are experienced in fighting health care fraud cases in both state and federal court.
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