Arrested? In Trouble?

Attorney Stephen Sebald

Attorney Eric Hackwelder
Firearm and Gun Crime Attorneys in Erie, PA
Weapons charges and possession of firearm charges in Pennsylvania are some of the hardest cases to deal with in the United States. If you are found outside of your home or business with a weapon without a valid permit, whether you are authorized to own a weapon at either location, you could risk obtaining major weapons charges.
Types of Gun Charges in PA
- Carrying a Firearm Without a License
- Persons Not to Possess
- Unlawful Sale/Transfer of a Firearm
- Firearm Theft
- Weapon on School Property
- Possession of Firearm With Altered Manufacturer’s Number
- Possessing Criminal Instruments

Our criminal defense attorneys in Erie, PA, fight to protect the rights of gun owners charged with possession of firearm and other weapons charges under Pennsylvania Law. Our gun crime attorneys are often called upon to speak to other criminal defense attorneys on state and federal firearm legislation, the Second Amendment, and self-defense laws.
We understand how quickly gun crime cases can escalate. If you are charged with possession of a firearm or any other weapons charges, then contact our criminal defense attorneys at Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox. We will help you defend your rights and battle your charges.
PA Gun Crime FAQs
You could potentially receive a statutory penalty including:
- Third-degree misdemeanor– Incarceration up to one year and a fine up to $2,000.
- Second-degree misdemeanor– Incarceration up to two years and a fine up to $5,000.
- First-degree misdemeanor– Incarceration up to five years and a fine up to $10,000.
- Third-degree felony– Incarceration up to seven years and a fine up to $15,000.
- Second-degree felony– Incarceration up to 10 years and a fine up to $25,000.
- First-degree felony– Incarceration up to 20 years and a fine up to $25,000.
In Pennsylvania, you may buy and own guns as long as there is not a law that specifically prohibits you from purchasing or possessing a firearm. A permit is not needed to purchase handguns, shotguns, or rifles, though you will have to go through a background check. Also, firearms registration is not required once you possess them. There are a variety of licenses available to increase your freedom with firearms.
The only exceptions for carrying a firearm without a license are carrying a concealed firearm in your home and carrying a firearm in your fixed place of business.
Contact Our Firearm & Gun Crime Lawyers
Whether you’re the target of a criminal investigation or you’ve already been charged with a crime, it’s important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. For an immediate response and an aggressive courtroom attorney to get you the results you need, contact Sebald, Hackwelder, & Knox in Erie, PA. For emergencies call 814-882-1972.
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