This article was originally published on on July 18, 2017 

A judge delivered a state prison sentence Tuesday for a Girard man who pleaded guilty to operating methamphetamine-making labs on two occasions.

The defendant, 31-year-old William J. Lahnan, received 15 to 30 months in state prison, followed by five years of probation, from Erie County Judge Daniel Brabender. The sentence was in the mitigated range of state guidelines.

Lahnan pleaded guilty in June to a second-degree felony count of operating a methamphetamine lab for a Sept. 5 incident in which state police said a crashed vehicle containing a failed one-pot meth lab caught fire in the 9500 block of Pont Road in Albion, burning Lahnan.

He also pleaded guilty to another second-degree felony count of operating a methamphetamine lab and to a second-degree misdemeanor count of reckless endangerment. State police said troopers found another one-pot meth lab on Oct. 29 in a room where Lahnan was staying at The Wooden Nickel Cloverleaf Motel on Route 6N in Washington Township. A 4-year-old girl was also present in the room, police said