This article originally appeared on Huffington Post by Ron Dicker on January 27th, 2014
Imagine if Walter White of “Breaking Bad” had driven around wearing a hat that read, “Meth.”
A man was sporting a beanie with the word “Weed” on it when he was pulled over for a lane change no-no near La Pine, Ore., on Friday. When the trooper explored further, he found 6 pounds of weed worth $15,000 hidden in the car, according to a police news release.
Now, instead of a routine traffic violation, 32-year-old Ali Reza Tabibnejad, of Missoula, Mont., faces charges of unlawful possession and delivery of a controlled substance.
Tabibnejad remained behind bars as of Monday afternoon, a Deschutes County Adult Jail official told The Huffington Post. He had a court date scheduled later in the day.
This wouldn’t be the first case of a suspect graphically telegraphing a crime. When Bryan Wendler, of Marathon County, Wisc., was arrested on charges of drunken driving last year, he wore a T-shirt that read, “Been Drinking? Free Breathalyzer Test: Blow Here.” An arrow pointed at his crotch.