This article was originally published on by Matthew Rink on July 6, 2018
A 21-year-old Erie man was shot in the leg Friday shortly after 11:30 a.m. at an apartment at the intersection of 22nd and Reed streets.
The victim was transported to Saint Vincent Hospital by private vehicle. He was treated for a gunshot wound to his upper left leg, police reported. The man was later released from the hospital and spoke Friday afternoon with officers at the Erie Bureau of Police.
Erie police were searching the scene for evidence on Friday afternoon. Police said the shooting victim is from Erie, but does not reside at the apartment house where he was shot. Police did not release the name of the shooting victim.
There were no suspects and no arrests in the investigation as of Friday night.
Larry Vossler, 49, of 701 E. 22nd St. Apt. 2, said he was preparing to take his dogs outside when he heard five gunshots from his second-story apartment. Vossler said he went downstairs to a small patio where he found his neighbor’s son bleeding from the leg. The man told him he had been shot.
“I can tell the difference between gunfire and firecrackers and that was gunfire, definitely,” Vossler said before hosing down the patio.
Vossler said he did not know if the man was shot inside the building or outside. He said he did not see who might have fired the shots.
“It’s nonstop in this neighborhood with the gunfire,” Vossler said. “Now it’s happening in broad daylight.”
The three-unit building includes the Joel Two Restoration Ministry, 2201 Reed St.