This article was originally published on on October 11, 2016 by Tim Hahn

Police filed a misdemeanor count of indecent assault and a summary count of harassment against 20-year-old Man Magar, accusing him of grabbing a woman’s buttocks and breast during an encounter in the first block of East 10th Street on the early morning of Aug. 20.
The charges were filed before Erie 2nd Ward District Judge Paul Urbaniak, who did not schedule a hearing date Tuesday.
Magar is accused of approaching the woman as she walked to her vehicle and striking up a conversation with her. At one point in the conversation Magar grabbed the woman’s buttocks, and she shoved him, Erie police Detective Matthew Berarducci wrote in the criminal complaint. Magar then grabbed the woman’s breast and walked away after she shoved him away again, according to information in the complaint.
Investigators released surveillance video footage of the groping suspect, along with a detailed description of the suspect, a week ago and received a number of tips that led them to identify Magar as the suspect, Berarducci said Tuesday.
We represent clients charged with serious sexual assault charges throughout Erie, Pennsylvania. Don’t trust just any attorney for your defense. Our criminal defense attorneys have the experience, the passion and the talent to defend these difficult cases.